TX Court Blocks Governor Ordering Sex Abuse Investigation

The American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Texas, and Lambda Legal issued a joint statement on Friday claiming victory, and closed with, …”and we will not stop fighting the protect the safety and lives of transgender youth here in Texas.”

For more context and details regarding this case – read this article!

The “issues” that humanity faces today are the same issues they have been facing throughout its existence. Frederic Bastiat refers to it as the “fatal tendency of mankind”. He explains it as one man’s desire to live at the expense of another.  There’s a lot to unpack in just those two sentences! I won’t attempt it here due to T&S constraints.
But let me just cut to the chase with this summary.  Collectivism does not believe in our immutable, natural, and Creator given human rights! To them, humanity is just one big “herd” and the “best of them” view themselves as some sort of “shepherd” over the herd. The worst of them view themselves the inheritors of the “Devine Right of Kings” with the power to cull from it any “deplorables” that they determine are causing too much rebellion among them!  Or “Overlords”, megalomaniacs or mini-gods over a “cast system” that they were “educated” to assume authority over. Leaving you alone to live your lives as free humans will NEVER HAPPEN!
They talk “equality” but suppress individuality. They preach fairness and “justice” but won’t punish the perpetrator who created the injustice against the innocent.

But all communists are in the collectivist “flock”. Others of different sounds and coloration are also part of the same flock. When you accept the correct definition of what a “collectivist” is, that of looking to government as the first actionable choice to a perceived, created or real issue, you will begin to see our current political, social, institutional and governmental situation as nothing but the “fruits” produced by collectivism!  If governments everywhere were much smaller and much less powerful, humans would be free to free and interact the world over as such.

Lovers of government power and influence over societies are: Communists, Socialists, misguided “liberals”, Nazis, Fascists, the average self-identified “progressive”, and those ignorantly advocating for the unlimited authority of “majority rule” as in lauding “democracy” over a republican form of government. This is precisely why, those behind Karl Marx made him write in “his” Manifesto of 1848 that the first battle that must be won to institute communism was to “win the battle for democracy”.
Collectivist “groups” like the ACLU, the ACLU of TX and Lambda Legal are “birds” of the collectivist flock!

Sadly, Americans have gradually allowed collectivism and the collectivists to acquire many footholds within our republic to the erosion of its protections under just laws, leading to its total erasure.
This largely started when our citizens allow the establishment of government “pubic” schools, required mandatory attendance and passed various “laws” that made you a criminal if you didn’t pay for them to indoctrinate your children with the “teachings of the collectivists”!

If you agree that this foothold, or essential nationalization of the field of “education”, is at the core of our national demise, then there’s no other liberation that can occur but to return that “field” of enterprise back to the free market by eliminating all taxes forced from the citizens, stop all government dollars that go to “schools” of any type, repeal all laws related to “schools” or “education”, close all “Boards of Education” connected with any government and leave our citizens to work together to create and ethically fund those schools that the parents and others deem worthy of support.
If you don’t believe that is the ultimate cure for our republic under our Constitution, then please tell me how much progress you have made in “reforming” such a mammoth, expensive, coercive, monopolistic government-approved indoctrination system?

One Response to “TX Court Blocks Governor Ordering Sex Abuse Investigation”

  1. ernie1241 Says:

    Despite what the Birch Society claims about “collectivism”, it is also historical FACT that the JBS itself has attracted numerous fascists, neo-nazis and similar people to their ranks as members, and as paid writers or speakers.

    In fact, the JBS recommended and sold publications by UK conspiracy author Nesta Webster. Webster gave a speech in 1926 entitled “The Need For Fascism in Great Britain” and she served on the Grand Council of the UK’s first fascist organization.

    The JBS also praised and published material by an Australian “collectivist” — i.e. Eric Dudley Butler — who was also a paid speaker for the JBS and its Far Eastern Correspondent for the JBS magazine “American Opinion”

    In addition, Robert Welch recommended the writings of Hitler-admirer Edward Delaney who was indicted for treason after World War II.

    Stanley L. Drennan (Los Angeles CA) was a JBS member and a member of the neo-nazi, National Socialist White People’s Party and the racist National States Rights Party (NSRP).

    William L. Pierce, the former Information officer for the American Nazi Party was originally a JBS member.

    Willis Carto also was a JBS member and a paid employee. Even JBS CEO, Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald (GA) submitted an affidavit in a lawsuit involving Liberty Lobby which described the Lobby as “an organization founded by Willis Carto who seeks to use American populist causes as the method to bring about a National Socialist (Nazi) regime.” [McDonald became the leader of the JBS after Robert Welch died.]

    There is an obvious reason why groups like National Socialist Movement (the largest neo-nazi group in the U.S.) recommends RIGHT-WING publications to its members AND also why neo-nazis in the U.S. who run for political office almost always run as conservative REPUBLICANS!

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