Posts Tagged ‘Occupy’

Occupy Demands… Reflection!

February 10, 2012

By: Gary Hardee
Date: 2/10/2012

While there is much to awaken to  within the entangling web of the GSO enterprises, the best cure is complete transparency into the records. The information will reveal the likely corruption which on the surface seems to be motivating at lease a certain segment of the protests known as the “Occupy – whatever” movement.

History has given us ample evidence to be suspicious of such “spontaneous” protests. Many have proven to have been an orchestrated ploy known as “pressure from above and pressure from below”. Other astute meisters of revolutionary parliamentarianism know it as the Pincer Strategy. The goal of this strategy is to give its backers power that they could not otherwise get.  The desired result is usually some form of new or revised law that ostensibly solves the “crisis”. A crisis usually brought on by the very backers of the protesters or movement. Few have the time or inclination to expose the players in the scheme. Ninety percent of such “spontaneous” activities are not that at all! This pattern can be easily confirmed by looking at the results of earlier orchestrations. Collectivism and the growth of power into the hands of government are the usual results, as I said, ninety percent of the time.

The Occupy demands are all over the board! It is the proverbial glass of fresh milk that has been unsuspectingly poisoned with arsenic. Much of it tastes good but the bad part will kill you.

Most of these demands simply build more laws, more rules, more controls, more costs to the taxpayers, more burdens to pay for their enforcement and thus more collectivism. Any person who – in an almost knee-jerk fashion – calls for another law, agency, commission, study, program, entitlement, subsidy or even a tax break are witting or unwitting participants in the growth of collectivism. Pass another law and government grows. Repeal a law and government shrinks. It’s that simple. But I digress…

“Occupy” seems justly concerned over greed and the over-the-top intimacy between lawmakers and influential non-governmental entities – usually big corporations, decrying the intimate game of back-scratching referred to as “corporatism”.  However, no one should confuse “corporatism” with “capitalism”. They are opposites!

The endgame of corporatism on this scale has no objection to achieving Monopoly Capitalism, the cornering of markets by limiting competition. It is a division of collectivism and is used by certain businesses for the benefit of certain businesses and to the detriment of those that are not part of the game.

Real capitalism on the other hand does not have politicians using force to take money from one person and give it to another. Nor does it seek protection from competition in the market place. It is a free exchange, free choice system governed only by the unfettered choices between one who has something that another that might like to buy.

Is it a perfect system, devoid of inherent shortcomings? Of course not, but it beats tyranny hands down every time! With collectivism comes inevitably corporatism just as the so-called War on Poverty of the ’60s has seen its ranks swell way beyond its purported purpose and goal. These are the inevitable outgrowths of collectivism not capitalism!

But it is the private sector that pays the final bill while competing with those on the other end who spend it.

The Supreme Court made a rightly reasoned ruling some time ago that said essentially, “What the government subsidizes, it has a right to control.” In other words, once our money gets in their hands and they decide to “give it out”, strings will understandably come along with it. So, when we subsidize our government with our money, shouldn’t our strings also be attached? Perhaps we should expect, no demand, transparency and openness? Should we the people ever allow our government to go into closed-door “Executive Session”?

It is we, who pay the price of government through our taxes. It is we that fund government operations and it is  we who control their livelihood, not the other way around. Without our money there can be no corruption in government!

George Washington warned us long ago with these invaluable words: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force. And like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master!”