Keeping it Real and Open – the Internet!

Like many of you around the world, I like the animating contest of freedom over the slavery of restrictions imposed on me by others. The lack of knowledge, even by the willful rejection of the truth, empowers enslavement ends. The ignorant and willfully ignorant are far more apt to swallow the deceptions of tricksters, con-artists, crooks, tyrants and collectivists.  “The truth shall set you free” is a well-known and accepted axiom, but for it to be fulfilled, it requires us to want truth and have the willingness to accept the transforming impact that comes along with it.

Restoring liberty will not be done from the top down but from the bottom up! Entrenched powers seldom want limits placed on them, but rather, more of the same.  Truth and knowledge breeds freedom, while deception and ignorance breeds tyranny – a tyranny that is sadly asked for by those who have allowed themselves to become dependent to the corrupting “system”.

Once you accept that evil men conspire to advance their personal agendas, that birds of a feather flock together and that those that want insulation from market competition will compromise most principles to have government do their dirty work, you begin to get a small sense of the long entrenched conspiratorial forces that must be vanquished. It is not an easy task, nor is it for the faint of heart. It will for now, likely cause you to lose more friends than gain them. Those you enlighten will forever express their thanks while others may become uncomfortable around you because they know they should be more active in opposing the evil you made them aware of.

To be a “dignitary” one should comport oneself in a dignified manner.  Desiring to assume and wield unauthorized power over the life and property of another makes man little short of a thief and con-artist, or a would-be tyrant.  Collectivists and would-be tyrants cannot qualify as being worthy of the title “dignitary”.

The people of Earth live in truly exciting, if not hard times.  A time in which, thanks mostly to the growing and widespread use of the internet, mankind is more able to communicate with each other. Therefore they are breaking from the old mediums of biased media, prominent collectivist think tanks and book publishers, entrenched left-wing college professors, and the most destructive of all – our national system of “public schools”.

What does inadequate, insufficient and deliberately withheld knowledge give to the solving of any problem?  Nothing! Ignorance contributes nothing to freedom, however, knowledge does.  Ignorant and free can never be.  If you don’t recognize the previous sentence as a famous saying – you may be ignorant.  Don’t feel bad, we are all ignorant (lack knowledge) in some area.  I am not condemning general ignorance but rather the widespread resistance to certain knowledge and vital truths.

Provided that the internet remains open and uncontrolled; a virtual information anarchy, a place where information is made available and shared openly, we will by osmosis learn to think and reason on our own and to throw off preposterous notions and deliberate propaganda. Frauds will be discovered and so will time-honored principles.  The internet’s openness, while chaotic, will be freedom’s salvation if man steps up to influence its destiny.  While “Net Neutrality” and other such schemes to limit or restrict the free flow of communications serve only tyrants, it is readily apparent that putting the technology “Jeanie” back in the bottle will be highly improbable.

I believe we are beginning to see the gradual rising tide of truth and therefore freedom, not just in the U.S. but in Europe and elsewhere. I believe that freedom will ultimately win, even as it exposes certain false “conservatives” of today. The individual will again be respected and contracts upheld. The occasional “dust storm”, while likely, will not be blinding.

The generally accepted concept that there are only two sides to an argument is beginning to be seriously challenged by this open information exchange.  People and belief systems are not as complex as one might think.  No one likes a thief.  No one likes a thug.  No one likes a murderer. We may disagree about what to do, but we are on the same side of the issue.

We know there are liberal-conservatives as well as conservative-liberals for instance. This is not news. What really is news is that because the internet allows for greater unregulated communication, both sides are starting to form alliances to fight for commonly held issues.  It’s not the answer but it is a start.

We know there are “anti-war” Republicans and Democrats that see no sense continuing to wage the “war on drugs” or other politically driven wars.  We are discovering and bridging common ground and beginning to grow a backbone for resistance to certain collectivist and authoritarian policies and laws.  The growth of this much-needed “backbone” may be painfully slow, but it does have the potential for rapid manifestation as enlightenment spreads.

Robert Welch said in 1958: “All we must find and use and build to win is a sufficient understanding, while there is still time”.  Many citizens, from the 50’s to the 80’s rang the alarm bells and provided resistance to communism, collectivism, fiat money, debt and deficits, globalism and the U.N.’s military goals.  I thank them and honor their sacrifices. Their efforts may not have fully awakened freedom from her “comatose” state but those dutiful citizens may have kept her alive long enough for the internet “defibrillator” of today to play its role.

Any individual, group, leader, agency or non-governmental agency, bureaucrat or politician that favors controls on the internet is not the friend of freedom.

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2 Responses to “Keeping it Real and Open – the Internet!”

  1. Ben Carlsen Says:

    .There are various proposals and plans afoot to “MONITOR” internet usage, patterns, and postings. An ominous sign.

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